newsXForms, a GUI toolkit for X - News


New release 1.0.91

Item posted by Jens Thoms Törring <jtt> on Sat 22 Nov 2008 08:07:09 PM UTC.

I am happy to finally announce the release of XForms 1.0.91. Hopefully this is another step on the somewhat longer than expected road to XForms 1.1.0. The new release is mostly a maintainance release with the emphasis on removal of bugs, code clean-up and getting it more in line with the description in the documentation. So only a very small amount of new features were added.

Here is a list of new features (see the files New_Features.txt for a more detailed description and ChangeLog for a complete list of all changes):

V1.0.91 November 22, 2008

You can grab xforms from the download section of this page.

Please send bug reports to the mailing list

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