Numerical Cosmology - NumCosmo - News
New release 0.9.0-4
Item posted by Sandro Dias Pinto Vitenti <vitenti> on Fri 17 May 2013 04:13:16 PM UTC.
- New cluster abundance examples in both C and Python, check it in [ ].
- Improved some sanity checks, work in progress.
- Split lapack and clapack detection in configure.
- Darkenergy now can use any model.
- Area setting functions added in NcMassFunction.
- New BAO data added check it in [ ]
- Included the acoustic scale in the drag epoch r_s(z_d) as a model function, with this kinematic models can use some BAO data using r_s(z_d) as a parameter.
- Completed NcClusterMassBensonXRay implementation.
- Baryonic density (Omega_b) Gaussian prior from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) was implemented.
- Added BBN Omega_b * h2 prior in darkenergy.
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