newscrmsh - News


CRM shell v1.2.6 RC 3 released

Item posted by Kristoffer Grönlund <krig> on Thu 29 Aug 2013 06:51:04 AM UTC.

CRM shell v1.2.6 RC 3 released

Release Candidate 3 for CRM shell v1.2.6 has been released!

This release candidate fixes issues found in testing of the earlier
release candidates. Much thanks to everyone who has helped in finding
and reporting issues.

For more information on what is new in v1.2.6, see the announcement
for Release Candidate 1.

For the full set of changes, take a look at the changelog:

New with this release is also the crmsh website, found at

More information on where to download, how to install and how to
contribute to the crmsh project can be found on the project website.


Packages for several popular Linux distributions:

The archive of the release candidate:


Dejan and Kristoffer

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