newsgravaty - News


2013-09-03 14:13:43 gravaty 0.8.1 released

Item posted by Marco Bresciani <marcobresciani> on Tue 03 Sep 2013 12:29:08 PM UTC.

= Version 0.8.1
  * We have a bug: don't panic!
  * Some minor improvements.
  * The code missed "require 'uri'" statement... idiot myself!
  * IN PROGRESS. Improvements in RFC5322 tests. There is one failing test: the address 'Joe Q. Public <>' is read properly while according to RFC5322 (see the same address shall be '"Joe Q. Public" <>' (that is: with doule quotes around the name).
  * FSIJ理事会の理事長、新部裕さんの日本語の翻訳。 Japanese translation by Yutaka Niibe, President of Free Software Initiative of Japan.
  * Removed unused Cucumber-based features and steps.

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