Java MultiGraph Collection - News
MultiGraph 0.2 Release
Item posted by Paul Jakma <paul> on Sun 24 Nov 2013 11:30:21 PM UTC.
- The Graph and Node classes are thread-safe, allowing lookups into a graph from multiple threads.
- Barabási - Albert-László (BA) preferential-attachment graph generator added, see rewire/ScaleFreeRewire.
- rewire/LatticeRewire: rewire nodes into a lattice/grid.
- Performance improvements. This index is intended to be fast, and has been used in network simulations with several tens of thousands of nodes.
- Graph and Node now support Observable. Delivery of observable events can be plugged/unplugged, to allow bulk updates to be done efficiently.
- rewire/CartesianRewire: rewire Positionable nodes according to cartesian proximity.
- Graph: Add a random iterator over the graph
- Support for printing out and reading graphs to/from Octave/Matlab compatible adjacency matrix files.
- TraversalMetrics: some further metrics added, including degree probabilities and Floyd-Warshal all-pairs shortest-path distances.
- k-shell/k-core graph decomposition, in structure/
- PartitionGraph: Wrapper to maintain distinct sub-sets / partitions of the nodes, while also allowing them to be in a common graph.
- Many bug-fixes.
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