newsSGE Game Engine - News


SGE 0.10.0 Released

Item posted by Layla Marchant <onpon4> on Sat 28 Jun 2014 10:39:53 PM UTC.

Boy do I have a big release today: version 0.10.0 of the SGE. You can find it on the download page:

This release adds and changes quite a bit. Here are the highlights:

See the WHATSNEW files for a more complete list.

One of the big changes made was to get rid of all the functions that were loaded into the "sge" namespace and move them off the other modules. You will notice, though, that sge.show_message and sge.get_text_entry don't have replacements; they were just removed. The reason for this is I'm developing a replacement for them as a part of a set of extra modules called xSGE. More about that later (when xSGE is actually released).

In the meantime, if you need to get basic input from the user (like confirming whether the user wants to quit the game), I suggest asking for a key press (like the old "press Y for yes or N for no" method). This is much easier to do now that you can build your own loops.

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