newspyFormex - News


pyFormex 1.0 is coming!

Item posted by Benedict Verhegghe <bverheg> on Thu 08 Sep 2016 08:02:36 PM UTC.

It has been a while since 0.9.1 was released, but pyFormex development has not stalled since then. And thus we are announcing here the soon to be released 1.0.x version, with lots (really: lots) of changes: new things, enhancements, improvements and bug fixes.

Some of the most outstanding new features:
- a fully new rendering engine, allowing interactive changes to the rendering,
- NURBS curves and surfaces,
- more features in the VTK and VMTK interfaces.

Note that the version 1.0 does not mean that we have reached a stable final product. Instead it marks the beginning of the new product line with the new rendering engine.

While there is still some work to be done before the first 1.0.x official release will be made, you can already enjoy the new version by running it directly from a clone the source repository, or use one of the alpha releases available at

Meanwhile the website has already been adapted to allow documentation and installation instructions for different versions. Indeed, the 0.9 documentation will be kept online for quite some time. At the same  time we already provide (preliminary) docs for the upcoming 1.0 release.

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