newspyFormex - News


pyFormex 1.0.7 has been released

Item posted by Benedict Verhegghe <bverheg> on Mon 17 Jun 2019 11:10:19 AM UTC.

pyFormex 1.0.7 has just been released.

This release is of a special significance for a couple of reasons:
- this month, it is exactly 15 years ago that I started pyFormex,
- this is probably the last release of pyFormex with support for Python2.7. The Python3 version is now stable and the prefered one.

There is a lot of new and improved stuff in this release, like
- anti-aliasing,
- font textures stored in image files ( so you do not depend on available fonts
- using PIL for handling images,
- a Path class for all file/directory handling
- revised (cleaner and saner) implementation of some base classes

And a whole bunch of other improvements and bug fixes.


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