peoplePeople at Savannah: Horst Herb Resume & Skills

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Follows Resume & Skills of Horst Herb <hherb>.


Writing software in C and Pascal since 1979, C++ and Modula-2 since free compilers became available, and recently started to use Java and increasingly Python. Special interests in security, decision support systems  and database design.

Commercial and academic programming experience mainly in the domain of pharmacological and physiological simulations as well as medical expert systems and  automatized ECG interpretation.

Fortunately, my job as a medical doctor gives me now enough financial independence to allow me writing free (and only free)software in my scarce spare time. My most recent and ambitious GPL project is the gnumed software package, aiming for a complete solution for paperless medical practice.


Skill Level Experience
Fortran Base Knowledge > 10 years
HTML Base Knowledge 5 yr - 10 yr
Java Base Knowledge 6 Mo - 2 yr
Tcl/Tk Base Knowledge 6 Mo - 2 yr
PostgreSQL Good Knowledge 6 Mo - 2 yr
Python Good Knowledge 6 Mo - 2 yr
SQL Good Knowledge 5 yr - 10 yr
C++ Master 5 yr - 10 yr
Pascal Master > 10 years
C Master > 10 years

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