People at Savannah: George Delaportas Resume & Skills
Follows Resume & Skills of George Delaportas <qtgeo>.
I have obtained many skills since i was 8 years old...
I always liked the search and find method to learn new things.
I have also obtained a very big experience at
Technological Educational Institude (T.E.I) of Lamia at Greece
where I am still a student...
I have a long experience on the Internet and Intranets staff and I have worked for Fourthnet(4net) [a Greek ISP] for a while...
That's all folks... ;-)
Skill | Level | Experience |
Corba | Base Knowledge | < 6 Months |
Fortran | Base Knowledge | < 6 Months |
Java | Base Knowledge | < 6 Months |
UML | Base Knowledge | 6 Mo - 2 yr |
C++ | Good Knowledge | 2 yr - 5 yr |
JavaScript | Good Knowledge | 6 Mo - 2 yr |
Samba | Good Knowledge | 2 yr - 5 yr |
Squid | Good Knowledge | 6 Mo - 2 yr |
VPN | Good Knowledge | 6 Mo - 2 yr |
WAN | Good Knowledge | 6 Mo - 2 yr |
C | Master | 2 yr - 5 yr |
FreeBSD | Master | 2 yr - 5 yr |
HTML | Master | 2 yr - 5 yr |
NetBSD | Master | 2 yr - 5 yr |
Ethernet | Master Apprentice | 5 yr - 10 yr |
Firewall | Master Apprentice | 2 yr - 5 yr |
Pascal | Master Apprentice | 5 yr - 10 yr |
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