People at Savannah: Abhishek Choudhary Resume & Skills
Follows Resume & Skills of Abhishek Choudhary <hi_pedler>.
Abhishek Choudhary
E-mail: -email is unavailable-
• 9+ years of total experience in IT including 7+ years of basic R&D experience (demonstrable through publications).
• 5+ years of experience in system architecture and project management (after degree in business administration).
• Domain experience in medical electronics, compilers, expert systems, artificial intelligence / machine learning, speech recognition, machine vision, intelligent robotics, natural language processing and I18N / L10N.
SKILLS SUMMARY: (Expanded later)
• Project management, systems architecture (hardware + software).
• Artificial Intelligence, NLP, speech, vision, autonomous robotics, simulation and cryptography.
• Embedded systems, DSP, codecs, RTOS, medical instrumentation, digital electronics and hardware design.
• LINUX kernel, file systems, compiler design (gcc), system software and networking.
• Programming paradigms: Imperative, object-oriented, functional, logic. Algorithm analysis and design.
. Winner of FOSS India Award 2008
• Computer Society of India’s National Young IT Professional Award 2005. Google: Abhishek + Choudhary + CSI + yitpa
• Sarai /CSDS FLOSS Fellowship 2006 for contribution to open source. Google: Sarai + floss + fellowships
• Created “Hindawi” – Indic port of GNU GCC. Google: Hindawi + programming
• International media coverage. Google: Abhishek + Choudhary + Linux + world + news
• Recognized by TDIL, Ministry of ICT, Govt. of India. Google: Abhishek + Choudhary + tdil
• Major research papers at national and international conferences and journals. First independent research paper published at an international conference at the age of 19 years.
Designer with KPIT Cummins Infosystems, Pune – Nov 2006 till date
Functional responsibilities (50%): Cost, work and risk estimation, planning, hiring and appraisals. Team size: 22+ resources.
Technical responsibilities (50%): End-to-end development of an embedded oil and gas SCADA. Responsible for proposals, requirements analysis, hardware design and software architecture, supporting CAN, SPI, I2C, LIN, MODBUS, PCI and other buses, FPGA / ASIC, embedded Linux and QNX device-drivers with BSP, BIOS / IPL development, tool-chain design and modification for compliance to standards such as MISRA C, simulation / system modelling in Matlab and technical R&D.
1. Lead – Development with Ness Technologies, Bangalore – Feb 2006 to Nov 2006
Functional responsibilities (40%): Work and risk estimation, hiring and appraisals. Team size: 10+ resources.
Technical responsibilities (60%): Architecture revamping, UML modelling, change analysis, embedded R&D. As a member of Architecture Council of Ness Technologies, lead an initiative aimed at developing an internal distribution of GNU / Linux / BSD.
2. Systems Designer with Indicybers – Mar 2000 to Jan 2006
Functional responsibilities (70%): Entrepreneurial involvement (PODSCOB) in diversifying into medical electronics, machine intelligence and compilers. Helped the organisation acquire government and industry recognition. Team size: 30+ resources.
Technical responsibilities (30%): Proposals, requirements analysis, systems-architecture (hardware-firmware design) for medical and consumer electronics. Lead R&D initiatives with academic collaboration.
3. Programmer with DataLine, Calcutta – May 1997 to Feb 2000 (full time since May 99)
Technical responsibilities (100%): Embedded systems developer – hardware and software development.
(Note: The academics are aimed towards “Cognitive Science” in which I plan to complete my doctoral studies. Suitable references to the said discipline are available through web-search and Wikipedia)
• Degree in Business Administration (BBA): Annamalai University: 2002
Professional (Computer Science and Engineering)
• DOEACC O-level: DOEACC, Ministry of IT, Govt. of India: 2000
• Diploma in System Analysis & Design: Computer Society of India 2000
• Diploma in Software Engineering: Computer Society of India: 2001
• DOEACC A level: DOEACC, Ministry of IT, Govt. of India: 2002
• GATE (Computer Science and Engineering) – 96.69 percentile: 2003
• CDAC Competence in Software Technology - Graduate level: CDAC: 2004
• DRDO Scientist Entry Test (Computer Engineering): Defence R&D Organization, India: 2004
• Professional degree (BTech) in Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in microprocessor based system design and artificial intelligence, with thesis in autonomous mobile robotics: IETE, New Delhi: 2007
Academic (Cognitive Science, Machine Intelligence)
• Master’s degree in Linguistics: Annamalai University:2004
• Master’s degree in Philosophy: Madurai Kamaraj University: 2005
• Master’s degree in Applied Psychology (Clinical specialization): Annamalai University: 2007
• One year course in Physiotherapy (Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Electro-therapy, Exercise therapy): 2005
1. Choudhary, A. 'Application of natural-interfaced (intelligent adaptive) agents to domestic and industrial autonomous robotics'. AMIETE project thesis, IETE Kolkata Centre. (Kolkata, 2003)
2. Choudhary, A. 'A cognitive model for temporal knowledge acquisition and representation using ANNs'. C97-C100, Proceedings of CSI 2001, XXXVI convention of Computer Society of India. (Kolkata. Nov 20-24, 2001)
3. Choudhary, A. and Karwa, S. 'Health monitoring system for the elders and invalid'. 9-19, Proceedings of RIT2003. (CMRI, Dhanbad. Feb 1-2, 2003)
4. Choudhary, A. and Karwa, S. 'Hindawi - A software development system for North Indian vernaculars'. Proceedings of YITPA (E) 2004. (Kolkata, Nov 27, 2004)
5. Choudhary, A. and Karwa, S. 'Bangla C and Bangla BASIC - Tools for total ICT empowerment'. Proceedings of YITPA (E) 2005. (Kolkata, Nov 26, 2005) - This paper won the National Young IT Professional Award 2005
(Note: The skills listed here have been used professionally. An exhaustive list, which includes cadaver dissection done during physiotherapy studies, is available in the online portfolio.)
• Management functions: (PODSCOB)
• Requirements analysis, system architecture: Rational (CC, CQ, Rose, RP), Together, UML 2.0
• Programming languages: C, C++, Assembly, lex, yacc, Matlab, Ada, Lisp, Prolog, Python, Java, C#
• Algorithm design: Generic algorithms, Asymptotic analysis, Formal / Statistical methods
• Embedded systems, RTOS, digital electronics and hardware design:
o Assembly: x86, PIC, M68K, ARM, PPC, T6000, ATMega, Sparc families
o IDE / ICE: MPLAB, Momentics, TI Code Studio, Eclipse
o RTOS: Embedded Linux, VxWorks, QNX-Neutrino, Symbian, WinCE, BSP, BIOS / IPL, DDK
o Digital electronics: RTL, VHDL, Verilog, ASIC, SoC, FPGA, CAN, SPI, I2C / PCI buses, DSP
o Hardware design: Analog, SMPS, RF comm., PCB layout (EDA), SMD, EMC, SPICE
o DSP: Filter design (IIR / FIR), DCT, Wavelet, FFT/DFT
o Codecs: JPEG2000, MP3, MPEG4, H.264, NTSC / PAL
• Linux, file systems, compiler design, system software and networking:
o Kernels: Linux kernel pre 1.0 to 2.6, BSD, scheduling, memory management, VFS
o Compiler design: Lexers, parsers, code generation (GNU GCC backend), optimisation
o Device drivers: PIO / DMA, TTY, USB, PCI, NIC, I2C, LIN, MOST, CAN, SPI, MODBUS, Graphics drivers
o File systems: ext2, ext3, RAID, NFS, FAT / FAT32, Reiser, RAID driver implementation
o Development tools: gcc, gprof, gdb, vi, emacs, make, sed, awk, bash
o Networking: Sockets, TCP/IP (HTTP / SMTP/ FTP / UDP server), NFS, HPC, WiFi
• Artificial Intelligence, NLP, speech, vision, mobile robotics and others:
o AI: ANNs, Classifier systems, Knowledge representation, Cognitive modelling
o NLP: HMM / HTK, SR / TTS, Morphological, Semantic, Pragmatic and Discourse analysis, Searching
o Mobile robotics: System identification, anchoring, bionic design, planning, scripting
o Mechatronics: DC, servo and stepper motors, hydraulics, instrumentation and prototyping
o Simulations: System response-stability analysis, Simulink, Statemate, Las Vegas / Monte Carlo
o Graphics: General 2D/3D representation and rendering algorithms, OpenGL
o OCR: Watershed algorithm, vessel filling, zero-crossover, skew detection
o Cryptography: RSA, DES, MD5, steganography (audio, video and image)
o Bio-medical informatics: BLAST, DICOM, HL7, HIPPA, ICD-CM, DSM, Rad, Physiotherapy modalities
o I18N / L10N: Linux localisation, Unified Networking Language
o Coding standards: MISRA C, Embedded C++ (Japanese standard)
o Super (cluster) computing: PVM, MPI, hypercube and PRAM algorithms
o Formal methods and industry standards for automotive, aviation and medical verticals.
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