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Calling all US residents for Working Days

Category: Tester
Submitter: jmd
Date: Mon 02 Jun 2003 06:21:13 AM UTC
Status: Open

This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Tells you what dates are public holidays. You can use wday to test just a single arbitrary day either past or future, or to produce a list of holidays for the year. Wday works for any country or state.

License GNU General Public License v2 or later

Development Status
: 0 - Undefined

Details (job description, contact ...):

Wday is a simple, but highly usefull program which tests dates  for public holidays.  It uses a small data file for each geographic region, which has to be provided by someone who knows the protocol for that administration.

At the moment, wday is sorely lacking any such files for the United States of America; one of the largest populated countries.  If you live in USA, maybe you could spend some time finding out what the convention is for your public holidays.  If one person does the state in which they live, that'll go a long way to filling the gap.

The file format used is very simple and completely documented, and you can refer to the files for other countries to get you started.  After you've created your data file, you'll need to test it.  Use the -l flag and check against a calendar for this/next year.

Required Skills:

Skill Level Experience
GNU/Linux Base Knowledge < 6 Months

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