peopleSimaSky Server - People at Savannah: View a Job


Flight Simmer, Good C++ Dev , TCPIP for SimaSky Server

Category: Developer
Submitter: carignan
Date: Sat 15 Sep 2001 01:01:58 AM UTC
Status: Deleted

This group is not part of the GNU Project.

The SimaSky Server (Pronounce "Sim a Sky") is a multi player platform to inter connects any flight Simulator software. But wait; there is more, an ATC Client GUI for online ATC service.

License GNU General Public License v2 or later

Development Status
: 0 - Undefined

Details (job description, contact ...):

Great job for those who want to change the face of the flight simulator community
Create a server platform to unify all flight simulator software’s with multi player capability. In addition, an ATC client interface to permit ATC online service.

Required Skills:

Skill Level Experience
C++ Good Knowledge 6 Mo - 2 yr

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