WeeChat - People at Savannah: View a Job
Looking for software/doc/site translator for WeeChat
Category: Translator
Submitter: flashcode
Date: Fri 23 Jan 2004 12:28:39 PM UTC
Status: Open
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
WeeChat (Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat) is a fast and light chat client for many operating systems.
Everything can be done with a keyboard, it is customizable and extensible with scripts.
It is compliant with IRC RFC 1459,2810,2811,2812,2813.
License GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
Details (job description, contact ...):
We're looking for software/documentation translators for WeeChat.
Languages wanted: any language except french, english, german, italian, japanese, polish.
For software and web site (weechat.org), translations are made following gettext format (xx.po).
For documentation, asciidoc format is used.
Fore more info, you can look at http://wiki.flashtux.org/wiki/WeeChat_translator_guide for help.
Required Skills:
Skill | Level | Experience |
(No skill inventory set up) |
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