Velocity String Library - People at Savannah: View a Job
Documentation writer for a string processing library for Velocity String Library
Category: Doc Writer
Submitter: north
Date: Thu 23 Dec 2004 10:47:00 AM UTC
Status: Open
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
The library features easy ways to locate positions of substrings in a string, split a string, replace substrings, delete substrings and several other useful thing in daily programming.
The production makefile will build on Linux/BSD and Mac OS X. Help with a Windows port would be much appreciated.
License Modified BSD License
Development Status: 4 - Beta
Details (job description, contact ...):
I am looking for a voluntary documentation writer for the VELOCITY string library. The job will not be paid, but I would be very thankful. The documentation should not be big, as the library is very small.
Please contact me : northen AT gmail DOT com
Required Skills:
Skill | Level | Experience |
C | Base Knowledge | < 6 Months |
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