AccWhizz - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
Feature description
AccWhizz is structured as 14 phpGW modules, AccWhizzAdmin, Ledger, Inventory, Service, AccountsPayable, AccountsReceivable, PurchaseOrder and SalesOrder, Quotation, POS for Cashier, POS for Manager, Human Resources and Bank Reconciliation and Staff Self Service.
Each of these modules can be set up as visible or hidden from specific user (group) utilising phpGW's native grouping and admin functions.
AccWhizz consists of the following modules:
AccWhizz Administration
The module functions
1.Admin/Setup- setup data tables, build chart of accounts & master data, create test data, delete all data & data tables
2.Data Backup
3.Data Restore
4.Standard Remark - view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
5.Default Values
6.View Log
7.Multiple Ledger
Ledger (G/L)
The module functions:
1.Ledger A/Cs view, history (with d/d), edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
2.Journals view, edit, copy/modify, reverse/modify, delete, add new
3.Attributes - view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
4.Reports Trial Balance (with d/d), Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Ledger Listing (with d/d), Ledger CR [Except for Ledger CR, all reports may be produced based on a specific attribute]
The module functions:
1.Inventory view, balance/history (with d/d), edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
2.Assembly view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
3.Alternate Part/Product view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
4.Goods Receipt view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
5.Goods Delivery view, delivery note, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
6.Inventory Adjustment view, edit, copy/modify, reverse, delete, add new
7.Audit CR
The module functions:
1.Service view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
2.Package - view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
3.Alternate Service/Parts - view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
4.Audit CR
Accounts Payable
The module functions:
1.Vendor Invoice [with tax] view, payment history, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
2.Tax view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
3.Vendor view, statement, o/s invoice, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
4.Vendor Invoice [no tax] view, payment history, edit, edit (add tax), copy/modify, delete, add new
5.Invoice/PO matching view, edit, delete, auto-matching of invoice to PO
6.Convert PO to invoice
7.Payment view, print cheque, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new, auto-matching of payment to invoice
8.Report A/P aging report (with d/d), Vendor Invoice aging report (with d/d), A/P CR [auto-allocation of invoice to PO by matching oldest equal amount or thru FIFO scheme, auto-allocation of payment to invoice by matching oldest equal amount of thru' FIFO scheme, manual allocation is also possible]
Accounts Receivable
The module functions:
1.Customer Invoice [with tax] view, receipt history, official invoice, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
2.Tax view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
3.Customer view, statement, o/s invoice, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
4.Customer Invoice[no tax] view, receipt history, official invoice, edit, edit(add tax), copy/modify, delete, add new
5.Invoice/SO matching view, edit, delete, auto-matching of invoice to SO
6.Convert SO to invoice
7.Receipt view, official receipt, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new, auto-matching of receipt to invoice
8.ReportA/R aging report (with d/d), Customer invoice aging report (with d/d), A/R CR [auto-allocation of invoice to SO by matching oldest equal amount or thru' FIFO scheme, auto-allocation of receipt to invoice by matching oldest equal amount of thru' FIFO scheme, manual allocation is also possible]
9.Bulk emailing of official invoice/reminder, customer statement
Purchase Order
The module functions:
1.Purchase Order [with tax] view, billing history, official PO, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
2.Tax view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
3.Vendor view, Unbilled PO, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
4.Purchase Order [no tax] view, billing history, official PO, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
5.Report - PO Audit CR
6.Buik e-mailing of official PO
Sales Order
The module functions:
1.Sales Order [with tax] view, billing history, order acknowledgement, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
2.Tax view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
3.Customer view, Unbilled SO, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
4.Sales Order [no tax] view, billing history, order acknowledgement, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
5.Quotation/SO matching - view, billing history, official PO, edit, copy/modify, delete, auto-matching of SO to Quotation
6.Convert Quotation to SO
7.Report SO Audit CR [auto-allocation of SO to quotation by matching oldest equal amount or thru' FIFO scheme, manual allocation is possible]
8.Bulk emailing of order acknowledgement
The module functions:
1.Quotation [with tax] view, official quotation, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
2.Tax view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
3.Customer view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
4.Quotation [no tax] view, official quotation, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
5.Report Quotation Audit CR
6.Bulk emailing of official quotation
POS for Cashier
The module functions:
1.Cash Sale [with tax] view, sales memo, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
2.Cash Sale [no tax] view, sales memo, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new [simple one level tax-on-tax, all payment methods may have multiple tenders]
POS for Manager
The module functions:
1.CashBox Transaction (start-of-shift, end-of-shift, cash-in, cash-out) view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
2.Quasi-Cash Balance (with d/d)
3.CashBox/Drawer view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
4.Special Price view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
5.AddOn Charge/Reduction view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
6.Quasi-Cash view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
7.Tax view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
8.Report List of shift end cash balances (with d/d), POS CR
Human Resources
The module functions:
1.Employee Info - view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
2.Photo - browse, preview, update
3.Address - insert/delete row, reload from employee record, post
4.Phone - insert/delete row, reload from employee record, post
5.Email - insert/delete row, reload from employee record, post
6.Emergency Contact - insert/delete row, reload from employee record, post
7.Important Dates - insert/delete row, reload from employee record, post
8.Leave Record - insert/delete row, reload from employee record, post
9.Performance Review - insert/delete row, reload from employee record, post
10.Role - insert/delete row, reload from employee record, post
Bank Reconciliation
The module functions:
1.Reconciliation Worksheet - summary, detail item view
2.Import Ledger Items into Reconciliation Worksheet
3.Ledger Items - view, edit, delete, bulk update
4.Bank Statement Items - view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
5.Suspense Items - view, edit, copy/modify, delete, add new
6.Reports - Bank Reconciliation Statement, Bank Reconciliation Control Report
Staff Self Service
The module functions:
1.(Staff) Sign in/Out
2.Timesheet - view, edit, copy/modify, add new
3.Leave Application - view, edit, copy/modify, add new
4.My Attendance
5.My Leaves
6.My Personnel Info
7.Approve/Reject Applications (Supervisor Only) - Staff Timesheet, Staff Leave Application
Registration Date: Sat 16 Nov 2002 03:56:44 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha

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