mainanise - Summary

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Group Admin:
1 active member

Group identification
Id: 11621
System Name: anise
Name: anise
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Many software developers need to cope with a bunch of different large and tiny tools for completing their day-to-day business. Developers working on different projects, living in different software development ecosystems, building on different software frameworks are even more confronted with that issue. Typical tasks can be:

    generating documentation
    creating packages
    handling version information
        e.g. print it in the manual
    creating a homepage automatically built from the available version information, the packages, the documentation and so on
    deploying this homepage to a web server

The anise framework allows you to implement all those tasks in a structured but generic way in a combination of XML and Python code. Once you have created this stuff at a defined place in your project, anise lets you easily execute your tasks from command line (or from any editor if you embed it somehow).

The anise engine executes arbitrary Python source code and provides some additional services like logging, parameter passing from command line, basic graphical user interface support, a plugin interface, a flexible event system, injecting code and data from other place, and more.

On top of this engine, anise comes with a bunch of implementations which fulfill tasks (or parts of them) of software development. There is a testing module, a documentation- and homepage-generator, some package building methods and a lot more. The implementations use the event system in many places in order to allow customization in a somewhat technical but very flexible way.

Your part as a project developer is to create a project description file, which contains all project metadata and custom implementations of some tasks, and add this file to your project. This is an xml file which assembles and configures a 'program plan' from the stock of available features. A user may choose a task from that program plan for execution afterwards.

Since your project's processes probably use tools which are not natively supported by anise, you will also have to use the (really simple, I promise!) plug-in system or hack some Python code directly into the xml (Ugh!) for writing an adaptor.

Registration Date: Sun 10 Jul 2016 11:23:07 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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