mainBontz - Summary

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Group Admins:
6 active members

Group identification
Id: 4330
System Name: bontz
Name: Bontz
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Bontz is what happens when a role-playing game's programmers are also its designers and writers.

Furgason is a (mad?) scientist who has just invented a time machine.  Unfortunately it only works for travel into the future; he hasn't figured out how to travel time in reverse yet.  Because of this, and because of a rather amusingly-shaped stain on his shirt, he is shunned by the board of scientific snobs.  To wreak his revenge, Furgason plans to go back in time and prevent them from ever existing.  But first, he must travel forward in time to when he has perfected his time machine (so it can travel backwards) and steal it from himself.
...thus begins the greatest epic tale of our time... Bontz!

(The word "bontz", by the way, works like adding "...not!" to the end of a sentence, nullifying whatever came before it.  With the theme of time travel and changing the past to affect the future... well you see the connection.)

Registration Date: Thu 17 Apr 2003 04:28:55 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha


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