mainc2py - Summary

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1 active member

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Id: 11921
System Name: c2py
Name: c2py
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Python is a very powerful language, but its syntax is very white-space dependent. While some developers may like this, it can get in the way for others.

Enter, c2py. C2py converts code written in a syntax similar to C (this code is called cpy code) to Python. This way, you need not worry about white-space, and yet you have access to all the power of Python. For example, here is a program which reads commands and passes them to the shell:

import os;

str command;

do {
  command = input("Enter a command to run > ");
  print("Return value was", os.system(command));
} while (command != "exit");

At first glance, it doesn't look like Python at all. But careful inspection will show (if you know Python) that it is indeed Python underneath.

C2py is still in an early development stage. It lacks many features found in Python. So far, I have been the only developer, and I am certainly no Python master.

Working on this project, I have learned a lot of Python, but there is still more to implement. Patches are always welcome.

For more information, see the README file, and "c2py --help".

Registration Date: Sat 30 Mar 2019 08:21:37 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha


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Migration to Git
     posted by asdago, Fri 02 Aug 2019 07:21:26 PM UTC

C2py has migrated from CVS to Git!

I have rearranged the last three commits (four including the .gitignore commit, see below) so I could add a new branch "glrparser" to contain some of the work I have done for a GLR parser. Some of the commit history got messed up in the process, but it's only the last three commits. The glrparser [...]

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