mainColibri Conference Manager - Summary

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1 active member

Group identification
Id: 3741
System Name: colibri
Name: Colibri Conference Manager
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

In order to select papers that will be published in a scientific conference, normally two steps are needed.
First of all, an automated system for paper submissions by the authors must be put online, then a way to distribute papers to reviewers and to collect their reviews should be found.
The submissions management system should accept new submissions and give to the author(s) the way to manage them (modifying something or withdrawing them) as long as submissions are open, and to track them when they are under review (i.e. to know their status).
The review management system should offer an easy way to add Program Commettee members to the system, to distribute papers to them with some load balancing kept in mind (but not always automatization helps in this case), to collect their reviews and to decide which papers to accept, and which to reject, notifying authors.

Colibri wants to deal with both aspects with the following features in mind:

<li>simplicity: it must be a smallest package, with the minimum possible configuration parameters to set by the chair of the conference (i.e. conference name, location, dates and a few more),</li>
<li>flexibility: it must be useful in practically all the conferences, possibly with a few modifications made by a person with moderate knowledge of PHP,</li>
<li>controllability: the chair must have the power to keep all the important task under control in an intuitive way</li>

Registration Date: Mon 13 Jan 2003 11:54:06 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha


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