mainDNC - Distributed Network Conference - Summary


Group identification
Id: 3479
System Name: dnc
Name: DNC - Distributed Network Conference
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

DNC (Distributed Network Conference) is a system that concurs to make streaming of conferences via Internet.
DNC transmits the audio of the conference and the slides.
So that they are perfectly synchronized with the speech of the reporter.
DNC java client is strongly based on JOrbisPlayer(
and it use the wonderful codec ogg-vorbis (

It is made in java to make it available to any operating systems.

Its attempt is to make everyone able to assist to conferences from remote and without large bandwidth.

We think classic video conferences are impossible without large resources, therefore unusable for the people.

It can cooperate with icecast2-alpha and ices2-alpha ( - get it from cvs here )

Applet with short ogg-file to test the functionality of dnc:

Registration Date: Thu 05 Dec 2002 06:09:06 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha


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