mainEvolutionary Knowledge System - Summary

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Group identification
Id: 8244
System Name: eks
Name: Evolutionary Knowledge System
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

This product has been orphaned. It has also an entry named "eks" on Sourceforge.

The Evolutionary Knowledge System is a knowledge system that keeps track of current knowledge but also the evolution of this knowledge. The main interface will have strong resemblance with common mindmap interfaces.
It will be possible to connect all kinds of objects to eachother. Linking thoughts to documents and document modifications will be possible. You can also think about linking to mails in an IMAP box or other kinds of objects.
Main programming will be done using Java interfacing a database.

Registration Date: Wed 04 Jan 2006 09:15:02 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: ? - Orphaned/Unmaintained


Communication Tools
 Mailing Lists (0 public mailing lists)

Development Tools
 Bug Tracker (open items: 0, total: 0)
 Task Manager (open items: 2, total: 5)

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