mainEmacsy - Summary

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Group Admin:
3 active members

Group identification
Id: 11941
System Name: emacsy
Name: Emacsy
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Emacsy is an embeddable Emacs-like library that uses GNU Guile
as extension language.  Emacsy can give a C program an Emacsy feel with
keymaps, minibuffer, recordable macros, history, tab completion, major
and minor modes, etc., and can also be used as a pure Guile library.  It
comes with a simple counter example using FreeGLUT and browser examples
in C using Gtk+-3 and WebKitGtk.

Registration Date: Sat 29 Jun 2019 01:59:05 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha


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