Ensemblist - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
Ensemblist is a 3d puzzle game in wich you have to build given shapes out of simple geometric primitives using constructive solid geometry (CSG).
By manipulating the position/orientation of the primitives, and the boolean operators, you must build a CSG "expression" that match a given solution, only by seeing the resulting shape of this solution.
You can also edit your own levels and share them with other players.
This is the only game I know of that use realtime rendering of CSG with openGl.
The game is functionnal, but I believe a lot of things can be done better.
The game runs natively under GNU/Linux and was ported to windows. It should works on MacOsX also, although I didn't tested it.
Musics are old MODs done by a friend.
Every additions are welcome.
Registration Date: Tue 11 Mar 2003 11:00:30 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
posted by rixed, Mon 02 Feb 2004 04:08:23 PM UTC
The HTTP thing has been cleared from the source to simplify
the program. Now packagable in a nice debian archive (make deb).
posted by rixed, Tue 01 Jul 2003 05:51:01 PM UTC
No more tarball download available from viewcvs, so I uploaded a tarball in the file section.
posted by rixed, Thu 17 Apr 2003 08:08:08 AM UTC
As libpng apears to be more available that devIl, textures are now loaded with libpng. It should easy the compilation on OS-X.
No file yet - get the tarball from cvs to check out.
Also, the texts are now in english.

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