Fisoco - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
The aim of this project is to produce a C++ CLI program, named Fisoco, which will permit users to search and organize files on their system.
First, tell Fisoco to find every file which match with a query in the locations you have set (local folder, device, remote folder..), then refine your selection, and move, rename, convert, remove your files..
At this stage of the development (0.8.3), Fisoco is only able to look for files into the system (except /proc and /run), but this will progress soon !
Fisoco means FInd, Select, Order, and COnvert. Contributions, comments, help, translations, ideas (a better name for example) are all welcome !
In french :
Ce programme est en cours de développement, la version 1.0 n'est pas encore sortie. Il se veut libre, léger, portable, accessible et efficace.
Fisoco est une interface en ligne de commande, permettant de rechercher de fichiers par motif. Les fichiers recherchés sont stockés dans une liste (que l'on peut sauvegarder), et sont sélectionnables en tout ou partie. Puis l'utilisateur peut au choix convertir, renommer, déplacer, avoir plus d'informations sur les fichiers...
Give me every comment or suggestion you want, I am eager to learn !
Registration Date: Fri 22 May 2015 09:41:21 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha
posted by felandral, Sat 10 Sep 2016 11:51:42 AM UTC
There is now a new homepage/website for Fisoco !
It looks like the terminocheck's website, an other project of mine.
If other projects are coming, they will all have this type of website. Maybe each will have a different background color..
Enjoy this beautiful homepage ! :)
posted by felandral, Fri 13 May 2016 07:42:21 AM UTC
After a long time with no sign of life, Fisoco come back truely on Savannah, and removes its repositories on Github and Sourceforge (both rated at F on GNU Ethical Repository Criteria Evaluations).
So, development will restart from this repository, and I am going to make a little website, hosted by, if it is possible, and perhaps write a (very) small beginning of documentation.
The project is living !
See you soon,

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