mainFonty Python - Summary

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5 active members

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Id: 8750
System Name: fontypython
Name: Fonty Python
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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Fonty Python

Personal News

I am increasingly unwell and Fonty gets further away from me every day. If anyone else wants to take over, please contact me and I'll do what I can to assist.

Perhaps it's time for Fonty to die. I don't know. The situation with Python 3 and Unicode strings and wxPython all make my head hurt.

Maybe someone can take the basic shape of Fonty and redo it in GTK C or in Vala. Call it "Fonty", maybe? The original pun need not doom the app to a specific toolchain.

New Feature Font Hushing

You can remove all distracting fonts with Fonty's new "hush" function. For example, if you are in Inkscape and you only want to see the fonts that you installed in the chooser, then "hush" the noise, restart Inkscape and relax. (Unhush when you are done and the chaos of Linux fonts will return.)

Please read the Help for more details.

Update Experimental Version 0.5

There's a new release. Version 0.5 has taken me over three months of hard work. I hope it has left Fonty better; but I am sure there will be bugs.

I appreciate all feedback. Please open tickets if you have any trouble.

Python 3

I can't move to Python 3 yet because wxPython (the gui library) have not released their new Phoenix code for Linux. I am waiting for the library to arrive in the Debian repos. I hope this happens in time for me to upgrade Fonty to Python 3 before the end of 2020...


Manage, view and find your fonts on Gnu/Linux. Works with TTF, OTF, TTC, OTC, WOFF and Type1 fonts.

Many designers have collections of font files in big directory structures or on other media. Fonty Python will let you gather your fonts and structure them into collections -- or what I call "Pogs" -- a place to keep tyPOGraphy. Well, why not?

Your fonts never move from where they are (so don't worry). All that happens is that you select fonts visually and place their names into a Pog, then you install or uninstall Pogs as you need them. No copies of your fonts are made, only links to the original files are used to install the fonts.

For example, you might have a Pog called "logos" into which you place all the ttfs you have of company logos. After that, when you need to work with those logos, you simply install the 'logos' Pog and start your design app!

Fonty can also remove all distracting fonts by "hushing". For example, if you are in Inkscape and you only want to see the fonts that you installed in the chooser, then "hush" the noise, restart Inkscape and relax. (Unhush when you are done and the chaos of Linux fonts will return.)

FP is also great for just looking at fonts wherever they are on your computer, without having to install them system-wide.
It is written as a mixed command-line/gui application at the moment, allowing very quick use. You can install/remove pogs without having to start the entire gui, which is neat.

Thanks to:

  • The FSF and Savannah for hosting this project.
  • wxPython and the folks on the wxpython mailing list.
  • The many people who have helped me left and right.

Getting Fonty

To get Fonty, use subversion:

  • svn co svn:// (for latest dev)


There is an FTP system for too. Go to the "Download Area" link (scroll this page down) and fetch a tarball.

If you are having trouble, please let me know. I'm not really coding anymore, but I might be able to make small fixes.

Donn Ingle
South Africa

Registration Date: Wed 30 Aug 2006 06:22:00 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 6 - Mature


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New Version Out — 0.4.6
     posted by donningle, Sat 25 Jun 2016 06:29:19 PM UTC

Fonty 0.4.6

It works on my 64bit Ubuntu 16.04 system.

Libs needed

libwxbase3.0-0v5 libwxgtk3.0-0v5 python-wxgtk3.0 python-wxversion


Fonty banner
     posted by donningle, Wed 05 May 2010 02:31:41 PM UTC

Manu Järvinen has designed a very sleek banner for us. Go look at:

Thanks for the banner Manu.


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