mainFreeSci/M - The Free Science System - Summary

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1 active member

Group identification
Id: 3076
System Name: freesci-m
Name: FreeSci/M - The Free Science System
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

<p>FreeSci is the Free Science System.  It is a system for doing scientific analysis, simulations, and calculations.  It consists of several main components:
    <dd>The numerical and symbolic mathematics classes.  This is the meat of the numerical side of FreeSci.  This defines core functions and concepts for doing mathematics.
    <dd>The visualization component is what deals with graphing and animation.  Potentially, this could also be auditory.
    <dd>Framework for creating physics simulations.  Add objects and watch 'em go, or create your own specialized simulation, such as sending a beam of electrons through a double slit.
    <dd>Provide for output and input.  The drivers are what write to PostScript, X11, PNG or read your joystick input to rotate and translate your 3D graph.
    <dd>The Free Science scripting language.  Since FreeSci itself is just a collection of C++ classes, FreeScript eliminates the need to know C++.  This might be descended from JavaScript; we'll see when we get there.

Registration Date: Fri 04 Oct 2002 08:51:35 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha


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