mainGHome Mover - Summary

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Id: 4888
System Name: ghomemover
Name: GHome Mover
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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GHome mover is an easy-to-use application designed to carbon-copy a home (or any other) Directory from a user to another. This application also looks at the files for references to the old directory/user and replaces with the references of the new dir/user. Ownership can be changed.
If you are a MSWin. user think on GHome Mover as the "Files and
Settings Transfer Wizard" application.
The efficiency of this application changing references is about 98%
(I think i can improve it in future versions with YOUR help). I can tell you that GHome Mover was hardly tested (and debugged), it has a safe engine that would do anything possible to keep your data intact.
GHome Mover was designed for the Gnome Desktop 2.x but can run fine
in KDE. It is distributed under the GNU/GPL License. ThereĀ“s also the GHomeMover for console that runs without any GUI , it is excellent for scripting or old computers.
GHome Mover can work with other types of folders rather than HOME
types. It works even with MSWin. FAT directories.

GHome Mover is written in english but has a translation to Brazilian-Portuguese
Designed and Programmed by Daniel Brooke Peig - From Brasil

The Official Page of this project is:

Registration Date: Sat 19 Jul 2003 08:15:47 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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GHome Mover - Console Version 0.2 Released!!!!!
     posted by danpeig, Wed 10 Sep 2003 02:18:17 PM UTC

There's a new version of the GHome Mover Console. It uses the GHome Mover 0.2 Engine and it's faster and safer. Perfect for your scripts or systems that does not have the GUI installed. This new version was uploaded to the server in september 7th.

GHome Mover 0.2 Released!!!!
     posted by danpeig, Wed 03 Sep 2003 12:52:18 PM UTC

The version 0.2 of GHome Mover is out.

I highly recommend the users to update to this version. There are no new features but the Engine was updated. GHome Mover 0.2 is faster (you can see clearly the difference) and safer (no problems with the other versions but i had improved it anyway) than the 0.1x.

For more information visit:

GHome Mover Home-Page Changed
     posted by danpeig, Thu 28 Aug 2003 02:21:18 AM UTC

The GHome Mover project home-page has changed to a new and fast (paid) server.

You can check it out in the address:

GHome Mover Console Version Released!
     posted by danpeig, Mon 18 Aug 2003 09:24:04 PM UTC

Now there is another version of GHome Mover avaliable - The GHome Mover Console Version. It was built using the
Gnome Version engine but doesn't use the Gnome Libs or the Graphical Interface so it can run on computers that does not have a GUI installed. This version is usefull for building script applications.

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