mainGrace - Summary

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2 active members

Group identification
Id: 1708
System Name: grace
Name: Grace
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Grace is the next level of standard Ada libraries. Ada has some good stuff in its standard library, there just isn't enough of it. It needs to be dramaticly extended.

Registration Date: Tue 26 Mar 2002 02:58:24 AM UTC
License: Other license - For this effort to succeed, it will ultimately need to be a facility that all vendors will feel compelled to ship with their Ada compilers. Unfourtunately, using the GPL would actively work against that goal. Thus the general consensus has been to make the specifications (Ada's equivalent of C's .h files) public domain. Any implementations (eg: Ada's equivalent of C's .c files) we develop will be "reference implementations", and will be released under the same license used for the GNU Ada compiler (the fourth license listed at ), which is commonly known in the Ada community as the GMGPL. Vendors who do not wish to abide by that license will still be free to develop their own implementations of the PD specs, but of course will have to do all the development and testing work themselves. I suspect most will just use the GMGPL implementation. Documentation has not been discussed yet, but the most sensible scheme would be to license "reference" materials as Public Domain, so that they can be distributed wherever the PD specs are distributed. "user guides" would be released using a free documentation license (most likely the GNU Free Document License, but that has yet to be decided).
Development Status: 0 - Undefined


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grace 0.51 released
     posted by stephen_leake, Sun 26 Oct 2003 07:12:42 PM UTC

Grace.Config_Files.Finalize handles exceptions.
In Grace.Config_Files.Open if an existing file is not found, an empty file is created, to verify that the file name is valid and writeable. Absolute file names are now allowed.
Grace.Config_Files now supports fixed point types and Ada.Calendar.Time.
Grace.Config_Files tests have been improved.

version 0.5 released
     posted by stephen_leake, Sat 28 Jun 2003 02:23:48 AM UTC

A tar.gz file, containing all source code and documentation, is now available. A minor bug in Config_Files was fixed; keys without dots now work.

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