Guile-PG - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
Guile-PG is a collection of modules for Guile allowing access to the PostgreSQL RDBMS from Scheme programs.
The low-level module (database postgres) provides an almost one-to-one correspondence with the PostgreSQL "libpq" C library interface. The other modules build on it to provide abstractions and convenience procedures:
(database postgres-qcons) -- Query Construction
(database postgres-resdisp) -- Displaying Results
(database postgres-types) -- Types Conversion
(database postgres-col-defs) -- Column Definitions
(database postgres-resx) -- Result Transforms
(database postgres-table) -- Single-Table Abstraction
(database postgres-meta) -- Introspection
(database postgres-gxrepl) -- Easy Interaction
Registration Date: Tue 15 Jun 2010 10:40:52 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha

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