mainH5MD: HDF5 for molecular data - Summary

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3 active members

Group identification
Id: 10810
System Name: h5md
Name: H5MD: HDF5 for molecular data
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

H5MD is a file format specification, based upon HDF5, aimed at the efficient and portable storage of molecular data (e.g. simulation trajectories, molecular structures, ...).

The first official release of the specification will contain particle trajectories (positions, velocities, forces and species) as well as thermodynamical observables. Afterwards, extensions will be considered on the basis of discussion with users of H5MD.

Registration Date: Mon 20 Jun 2011 01:22:52 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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H5MD 1.0.0 released
     posted by pdebuyl, Wed 12 Mar 2014 05:04:10 PM UTC

The specification for H5MD 1.0.0 is released. It can be found on the project homepage and is presented in a journal paper in Comp. Phys. Comm.

Project setup for H5MD
     posted by pdebuyl, Sat 06 Aug 2011 11:23:46 PM UTC

As of now, the specification draft of H5MD is available on the project homepage and the mailing list h5md-user is setup.

H5MD is a file format specification to store molecular data.

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