Numerical Library for Haploid Genetics - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
Haploid is a library of C functions and data structures useful in simulating haploid population genetics
Registration Date: Mon 29 Mar 2010 05:12:31 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha
posted by trashbird1240, Thu 09 Dec 2010 08:36:10 PM UTC
This project is now using git. Please point your browser to
to use the git repository.
posted by trashbird1240, Thu 02 Sep 2010 05:53:34 PM UTC
I've completely redone the recombination algorithm, fixing bug #30720[1] that produced impossible offspring. Also check for many improvements to the homepage, including News links and new results for the nrm example program.
posted by trashbird1240, Thu 10 Jun 2010 07:49:29 PM UTC
I have made some major changes to the recombination algorithm; this
fixes bug #29904[1].
The deployment plan from now on is to encourage users to use snapshots of the SVN repository. A task has been created to automate snapshot hosting on Savannah[2].
posted by trashbird1240, Wed 28 Apr 2010 03:33:28 PM UTC
Haploid v0.22 is now available from Savannah:
The project now has a rudimentary webpage and browseable Subversion repository.
You can contribute to Haploid by adding features, submitting bugs, and updating the manual.

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