Haver Ain't Very Exciting, Really - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
Haver is now hosted at https://gna.org/projects/haver
Registration Date: Fri 10 Oct 2003 11:28:31 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 0 - Undefined
posted by bdonlan, Sun 25 Apr 2004 10:11:22 PM UTC
Haver will now be hosted at https://gna.org/projects/haver
posted by dylanwh, Sun 22 Feb 2004 05:08:26 AM UTC
Uploaded 0.04 to CPAN. This release works.
Most of the internals of the server have been rewritten.
The next release, 0.05 ("Soap") will feature user and channel
registration. The support code is there, I just have to find a
save way to use it. I want "Soap" to start having administration
Bdonlan's Haver::Client is also now fairly usable,
haver-tk-2.pl uses it.
posted by elasticmuffin, Thu 19 Feb 2004 01:30:43 AM UTC
The first version of my Windows client, HaverNet, is out. It supports everything except user-commands and private messages. Basic chat functions (joining channels, chatting, sending actions, etc) are working great. You can download it at sourceforge, here: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=92672&package_id=98099
(dylanwh: Note, HaverNet is a seperate project from Haver, because Savannah doesn't host windows programs. However I do aprove of it.)

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