mainhsh - Summary

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1 active member

Group identification
Id: 10497
System Name: hsh
Name: hsh
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

hsh is the {Happy|Human|History} shell, a command-line driven user interface to your system.  It has a full-screen curses interface instead of the scrolling terminal style output of traditional shells.

It's development is focussed on the user instead of being a programming language, with many defined but not-yet-implemented features.

It is already usable for the majority of typical shell tasks.

Registration Date: Mon 15 Mar 2010 02:20:43 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha


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hsh version 1.-2.4 released
     posted by dissent, Tue 14 Dec 2010 06:50:24 PM UTC

This release is dedicated to everyone who's ever wasted time paging through shell output.  hsh now has regexp highlighting and search functionality.

It also includes many bug fixes and improvements to existing features, including the ability to rerun existing jobs with new parameters.

hsh version 1.-2.3 released
     posted by dissent, Tue 07 Sep 2010 01:20:36 AM UTC

Version 1.-2.3 has been released and is ready for download. This version provides a more usable default view which shows the output of many jobs, making the transition from a traditional shell easier.

Several noticeable bug fixes are also included.

hsh version 1.-2.2 released
     posted by dissent, Wed 09 Jun 2010 08:21:01 AM UTC

Version 1.-2.2 has been released and is ready for download.  This version provides proper job control facilities, and greatly improved support for full-screen terminal programs.

Additionally it improves the display of job output making it more legible and navigable, as well as providing access to the environment and a mechanism for defining aliases.

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