mainIronMailer, flexible Webmail - Summary

Membership Info
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4 active members

Group identification
Id: 3811
System Name: ironmailer
Name: IronMailer, flexible Webmail
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Technical details:
This program will run on any system with a full java installation, recommended version 1.3 or higher, where the system has access to an IMAP server for storing mailboxes and configurations, and to an SMTP server for sending mails. The OS doesn't matter, however GNU/Linux is recommended.

Implementation details:
Strict separation of logic and presentation. Logic is implemented in Java, and presentation in XML/XSL

Registration Date: Thu 23 Jan 2003 11:41:53 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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Updated Ironmailer available
     posted by jwkaltz, Wed 30 Aug 2006 02:50:21 PM UTC

Ironmailer is now made available as a "unzip and run" package. Simply execute the and access the Webmail interface on port 8890. The download area is:;O=D

Furthermore, all third-party libraries were upgraded to recent versions.

improved subfolder handling
     posted by jwkaltz, Wed 20 Jul 2005 01:19:50 PM UTC

Subfolder handling was modified to be compatible with various other mail programs; meaning that for example users who set up their mailbox folders in Evolution will see all these folders in IronMailer.

Check out the current CVS state if you require this feature.

unicode bug in Java can affect IronMailer - update your Java accordingly
     posted by jwkaltz, Fri 05 Nov 2004 11:47:06 AM UTC

I noticed that, if a folder contains certain japanese spam mails, the application blocks for several minutes. I traced this down to a bug in java.lang.String, which existed in the version I was running (1.4.2_02), but no longer exists in 1.4.2_06. If you have a similar problem, upgrade your Java installation ! back online
     posted by jwkaltz, Sat 23 Oct 2004 03:55:55 PM UTC

The site (which contains additional information about Ironmailer) is back online. (The offline time was due to provider problems.)

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