Journal: The Editor - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
Journal is a text editor written in Java. It uses GTK over the SWT library.It supports multiple languages and can handle plugins.
Some technical infos:
-Compilance solved with Ant.
-Using the SWT library to call native widgets. GTK needed.
-Read the readme file!
Registration Date: Fri 01 Oct 2004 04:58:59 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
posted by peepy, Thu 02 Dec 2004 02:29:27 PM UTC
The following releases' version number won't be 0.1 and 0.1-rX and something like that. The next version number will be 05.1.0 what means: yearyear.release.revison
Beta version numbering will look like this: yy.r.bX for example: 05.1.b1
But i still keep my opinion: you should use cvs snapshots!
posted by peepy, Sun 14 Nov 2004 01:35:55 PM UTC
I've upladed the CVS tree. If you want to get a copy of journal, pleas fetch from CVS tree(see the howto).
posted by peepy, Sat 06 Nov 2004 02:47:44 PM UTC
If you have interested about journal, please visit the site:
Also you can contact me in email:
peepy at fpn dot hu
Sorry, but now i don't have any time for administrating this project page or the site above. But i GOING TO arrange the things. There will be CVS tree and files and others. All you need is to wait ;-)
Thanks for your interest:
Peter Parkanyi
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