mainkafeine - Summary

Membership Info
Group Admin:
1 active member

Group identification
Id: 8024
System Name: kafeine
Name: kafeine
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Kafeine provides to PHP5 developpers several tools to help make data driven professional level applications faster and easier.
- Basic Object Oriented PHP services (DataBase Driver, Sessions, Utils, etc.)
- A code generator based on relational model analysis
- A powerful ORM (Object Relationnal Mapping) with inheritance, links and relying on data integrity provided by postgres
- advanced workflow capabilities
- fine grained user acl

Kafeine se propose de fournir aux développeurs PHP5 de nombreux outils permettant de créer plus facilement et plus rapidement des applications professionnelles orientées données:
- Des services de bases en PHP Orienté objet(accès bases, session, utilitaires ,etc)
- Un générateur de code après analyse d'un schéma SQL
- Un ORM( Object Relationnal Mapping) puissant gérant l'héritage, les associations et profitant des contraintes fortes d'un SGBD
- Des fonctionnalités de workflows avancées
- Une gestion fine des droits d'accès

Registration Date: Tue 04 Oct 2005 12:14:08 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha


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Kafeine has found a home
     posted by einca, Sat 15 Oct 2005 08:59:24 PM UTC

Thanks to, Kafeine has settle down in the savannah community site! I hope my work will be helpful to everyone :)
cheers !

Quick Overview
 Memberlist (1 member)

Communication Tools
 Mailing Lists (1 public mailing list)

Development Tools
 Task Manager (open items: 1, total: 1)
 Patch Manager (open items: 0, total: 0)

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