LabJack U12 Daemon - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
Driving Daemon for the Labjack U12: Input/Outuput electronic board
This daemon is an interface with the Labjack U12 electronic board. Its goal is to read (every 20ms) each input of the electonic board. It also propose a TCP/IP interface to access input information or to set output level. See the Labjack informations to learn more about this input/output electronic board.
Actually, the labjack electronic board (under Linux) can communicate only by a single process. Indeed this daemon goal is to be accessed by many process or programs. It can also be accessed by a Telnet Interface.
The Daemon is based on a thread wich communicate with the Labjack, and read an write inputs an outputs with a certain frequency. Another thread is waiting for a connection on TCP/IP. As soon as the connection is etablished, another thread is created to communicate with the client.
Registration Date: Mon 14 Nov 2005 03:53:11 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha

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