mainLibLearn - Summary

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Id: 2833
System Name: liblearn
Name: LibLearn
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

This library is allowing applications like LingoTeach and MajorTeach to remember what the User's brain has retained.

LibLearn notes all the Users Exposures to every piece of Information. It also notes all the Challanges the User has been exposed to and notes if the User has answered correctly.

All this information is stored in an XML file in the User's home directory, or, depending on how liblearn is compiled, in a Postgres Database that is residing on a Server. That's great for schools, since grading is can be done directly on what the student knows, cutting out Test Performance.

After collecting all this information, LibLearn allows the Application to show an "interesting and important" snippet of Information. It will, if used daily, repeat the appropriate information, first once per hour, then, once per day, every second day , every 4th day, once a week, every second week, then once a Month, and again 2 Months later. At that point, the knowledge should have been well absorbed inside the User's brain.

There may also be an application that allows the User to set preferences on how exactly this should work.

Also, liblearn may eventually try to get smart and try to optimize the learning intervals using statistical techniques.

Registration Date: Wed 28 Aug 2002 02:31:50 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 1 - Planning


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