mainlibsnprintfv - Summary

Membership Info
Group Admins:
3 active members

Group identification
Id: 2350
System Name: libsnprintfv
Name: libsnprintfv
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

This group is not part of the GNU Project.

libsnprintfv provides a free and portable implementation of the printf family of functions, including support for the extensions in GNU libc (such as dprintf) and for passing variable lists of arguments not only through va_list, but also creating them by the program at run-time.  libsnprintfv provides support for adding new format specifiers in a way that is source-code compatible with that of GNU libc, but more powerful.

We do not expect to make any release of libsnprintfv as a separate package.  Instead, we hope to integrate it into gnulib.

Registration Date: Wed 26 Jun 2002 03:50:32 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 6 - Mature


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1.1 final prerelease on CVS
     posted by bonzini, Wed 03 Dec 2003 03:13:59 PM UTC

After a year or so I created a branch for the previous CVS head, and updated CVS to include the final prelease of snprintfv 1.1; I'll do the release as soon as Automake 1.8 is out since it shrinks the tarball by about 20% (450kb vs. 560kb).


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