Limusina - Summary
Group identification
Id: 7325
System Name: limusina
Name: Limusina
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation
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This group is not part of the GNU Project.
It's made in Perl and the requirements are:
* Perl
* Gtk2-Perl
* Gtk2::GladeXML
* DBD::SQLite
For the audio plugins (in cvs)
* Ogg::Vorbis::Header::PurePerl
* MP3::Info
Registration Date: Wed 16 Feb 2005 12:17:17 PM UTC
License: The license of Perl (disjunction of the Artistic License and the GNU GPL)
Development Status: 3 - Alpha
Plugin system implemented
posted by jsantiagoh, Fri 11 Mar 2005 11:57:20 AM UTC
posted by jsantiagoh, Fri 11 Mar 2005 11:57:20 AM UTC
I just implemented a plugin system for the audio files, so now it's possible to use limusina with any audiofile format =). This version is still in cvs.
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