Moviefly - Summary
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<meta keywords="movie catalog catalogue database film manage moviefly">
Moviefly (alias lmc) is a port of the Ant Movie Catalog by Antoine Potten from Windows ( to GNU/Linux.
Moviefly stores information on video media files, including title, actors, genre, descriptions, comments, rating, director, producer, picture, languages, subtitles, video- and audio format, video- and audio bitrates, resolution, framerate, file size and media type.
Technical information can be automatically extracted, descriptive information on a title may be downloaded from the internet.
There are screenshots available for:
- movie menu (97 kB),
- main screen (95 kB),
- script selection dialog (13 kB),
- title preview dialog (13 kB),
- title list (17 kB)
Moviefly is written in Python and the GUI is implemented with PyQt, the Python extension for Trolltech's Qt GUI toolkit.
Technical information is extracted by using transcode, while downloading information from the internet is achieved by standard IO communication with scripts in any language, currently only Perl scripts are used.
This project is still in development phase, meaning: not all intended features, or all functions from AMC are currently available.
However, working functions include:
file: new, open, save, save as, close, edit meta-properties
movie: add, delete, edit records; scan files, DVDs, CDs for technical information; search IMDB, and for title descriptions; incremental search; full record search; copy, paste, paste as new on records; copy, paste, delete images; link or embedd images, group records according to field values
The file format used is compatible with AMC file format v3.3 and stable, i.e. I have not lost any records with my movie collection - ever.
Continued Development
Unfortunately also my time is limited and my projects tend to strive towards proof-of-concept rather then perfectionisme. I am sorry for that. However, since I do use them on a regular basis I will keep updating and publishing bugfixes as I find and correct them.
Building Moviefly
- from sources
Download the latest tarball lmc-X.Y.Z.tar.gz. Since Moviefly uses GNU autotools to build and install the program it all boils down to:
$ tar xvzf lmc-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
$ cd lmc-X.Y.Z
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install
Last will, of cource, require root permissions. You can, however, choose an alternate installation prefix with the --prefix= option to ./configure.
- Debian
If you are using Debian you can add the following two lines to your /etc/apt/sources.conf:
deb ./
deb-src ./
And run the following as root to update your package list and install moviefly:
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install lmc
- Gentoo
If you are using Gentoo, download the file lmc-X.Y.Z.ebuild.tar.gz from the download area. Make sure your local portage tree is activated and extract the tar-ball into it. Then run:
$ emerge lmc
- Special Thanks to
- Ulf Dreyer -- for the Gentoo ebuild 0.12
- Chris Raczkowski -- for Gentoo ebuild 0.12.3, 0.12.5
- Currently all dependencies are compulsory. This will change later where unmet dependencies will only limit functions of lmc.
- As of release 0.6.1 lmc supports installation and uninstallation. Issue
$ make install
to install lmc and
$ make uninstall
to remove the installation again.
Registration Date: Mon 10 Jan 2005 06:38:21 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta
posted by merkosh, Fri 10 Aug 2007 01:01:56 PM UTC
Its been a long time since an update to moviefly, but here we go:
(not available)
- fixed: Qt 3 dectection during configure; I changed to M4 macros that are used in KDE; they work much more reliable and do not require special --with-qt-* switches to configure
posted by merkosh, Sat 29 Apr 2006 08:31:10 AM UTC
- uploaded ebuild for v0.12.5, thanks to Chris Raczkowski
- added Debian apt url for binary and source packages
posted by merkosh, Wed 12 Apr 2006 10:21:20 PM UTC
- fixed bug in script:
This one would not load big pictures any more, because changed the site layout. Its better now and seems to work in most cases - some more fine-tuning might be done, though.
- fixed documentary bug:
FSF changed address; this was changed in the copyright notice in all source files.
- fixed debug output on drag&drop
- debian 0.12.5 has been released, too
posted by merkosh, Fri 21 Oct 2005 08:02:16 AM UTC
Sorry for the delay. :(
Debian 0.12.4 archive has just been added.

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