LTIB (Linux Target Image Builder) - Summary
Group identification
Id: 7867
System Name: ltib
Name: LTIB (Linux Target Image Builder)
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
The LTIB (Linux Target Image Builder) project is a simple tool that can be used to develop and deploy BSPs (Board Support Packages) for various target platforms. Using this tool a user will be able to develop a GNU/Linux image for their target platform. The following features are supported:
Main features
- Open source (GPL)
- Runs on most popular Linux host distributions (x86 and some PPC)
- Command line interface, with curses configuration screens (using LKC)
- Support for multiple target architectures (PPC, ARM, Coldfire)
- Target platforms selectable from a menu (CVS version)
- More than 200 userspace packages selectable
- Common root filesystem package set across architectures
- Supports building of bootloaders and kernel images
- All package building is done as non-root user
- Configuration/selection of individual packages from a menu
- Auto package dependency resolution
- Auto file conflict resolution by package order build scaling
- Auto re-install/de-install of packages by changes in dependency tree
- Toolchain selectable at configuration time
- Configuration of the Linux kernel using it's native config language
- Kernel selection can easilty be changed from choicelist during configuration
- Configuration of target system from host (IP address, services etc)
- Supports preconfigs which allow developers to store different system configurations (e.g. toolchain selection, kernel selection, package selection etc).
- Supports profiles this allows just the userspace package set to be re-configured. This is excellent for autobuilding or exchanging the non platform specific configuration between targets.
- All packages are built as rpms and managed using rpm
- Target image files managed using a private rpm database per LTIB instance on the host
- Supports single package developer mode using prep/scbuild/scdeploy analogs
- Provides a means of source capture (patches) and auto update of spec files
- Shell mode available to run all commands in ltib's spec environment
- Incremental deployment (over NFS) supported
- RAMDISK and JFFS2 Flash image creation supported
- Read-only root filesystem supported.
- LTIB is meta-data only, all sources are pulled using http and locally cached in a common area per-host.
- Remote source pulls support proxys
- Support for glibc and uclibc
- All meta-data formats are open source (rpm, Linux Kernel Config)
- Modular BSP architecture (easy to add new BSPs)
- Support batch mode and --continue for auto-builders
- Support --dry to preview ltib's actions
- Provides --dltest to check for availability of sources/patches
- Provides listpkgs mode to show all available packages, whether selected and their individual licenses.
- Provides a release mode, this encapsulates an LTIB project into an iso images that will not require network access.
Registration Date: Fri 12 Aug 2005 11:21:10 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta
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