mainModula-2 Compiler and Translator - Summary

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Group identification
Id: 11340
System Name: m2c
Name: Modula-2 Compiler and Translator
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Modula-2 was implemented for DEC RT-11 and Medos on Lilith. Around the time the Oberon system was transitioning from the Ceres-1 to Ceres-2, the fourth (and final) edition of PIM was released, in English in 1988 and German in 1992. Compilers of this time included MacMeth for MacOS on PPC, and a Blackbox Component Builder compiler for Windows.

m2c intends to implement the language described in PIM4 (1988), preserving the simplicity of Wirth's language as he defined it, and providing a compiler capable of compiling programs from PIM4 and AD (1986).

This is a fork of m2c-0.6, last distributed with Debian GNU/Linux and Red Hat, written by Vladimir Makarov in C.

Registration Date: Thu 18 Sep 2014 11:19:12 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha


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