European Master on Libre (Free) Software - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
A group of European Universities in Madrid, Bordeaux and Porto have joined together to launch a "European Master on Free Software". The project proposal was submitted to the Madrid regional government, which approved some funding to help with its design.
We plan to release as free documentation all teaching and organizational material related to this European Master, so other Institutions in other regions can benefit from them. We also welcome any other Institutions who would like to join in the project, which will be in a planning phase untill the end of 2003 and is due to start after the Summer of 2004.
This project is used to maintain the documentation repository of the
Masters Program and to coordinate its activities.
Registration Date: Mon 29 Sep 2003 10:47:32 AM UTC
License: GNU Free Documentation License
Development Status: 3 - Alpha
posted by jgb, Sun 09 Jan 2005 05:28:45 PM UTC
Next meeting of the MoLOS group will take place in Barcelona, hosted by UOC, on February 20th 2005. We have open a wiki for information and comments related to it, . Attendance is free, but please add your name to the list of attendants in the wiki if you intend to come. The proposed agenda is also in the wiki, feel free to comment about it.
posted by jgb, Sat 21 Feb 2004 05:43:27 PM UTC
Next meeting, to evaluate implementation scenarios, funding opportunities and and to coordinate among interested institutions, will be held in Madrid, on February 25th, 2004. Have a look in the mailing list archives for more details.
posted by jgb, Wed 19 Nov 2003 11:47:58 PM UTC
We're planning a presentation of the master's design in Brussels, on December 9th. Anyone considering to attend, please comment on the mailing list.
posted by jgb, Wed 19 Nov 2003 11:34:03 PM UTC
Finally, we are having a meeting for presenting the current version of the design of the master program to anyone interested, hopefully followed by a discussion about it. It will be on November 24th, Monday, at 16:00, in room n. 104 on the second floor of "Departamental II" building, Mostoles Campus, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (in [...]

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