Mona - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
Mona is an application framework for the `Management of Network Accounts'. This means that with Mona it is easy to associated IP addresses with `users' and control their network connectivity. Furthermore Mona contains functionality for counting traffic and disabling users automatically when a certain limit is reached.
The application is designed as a client-server system, which means that there is basically one Mona server and potentially several clients; at the moment there are two clients: one simple but powerful `Mona shell' and a CGI web interface.
Because of the modular architecture it should be quite easy to extend or replace the functionality.
Mona is primarily developed for use in student hostels, where students have a certain amount of traffic available and where it should be easy for administrators to register new users. But I hope that it is or will be general enough so that it can be used in different environments as well.
Registration Date: Fri 09 May 2003 06:58:35 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha

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