Muddleftpd - Flexible, secure FTP Daemon - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
FTP servers tend to always want root access to do even the most basic
stuff. This ftp server was designed to overcome this limit without
limiting the access protection and safety of a regular ftp server.
This ftp server can operate as a replacement for wu-ftpd, or it can
operate under a single uid, running without any knowledge of the system
password file. Anonymous access is availible too and you can actualy create
as many guest accounts you like with same or different properties.
To do this, it has full access settings per user. You can give permissions
for particular directories or files.
This server is also secure without being overly intrusive. Unlike wu-ftpd
and many others, it doesn't do a chroot anywhere. It manages directories
internally in a secure and fast way. This means the server doesn't need to
run as root. Also since it doesn't ever run external programs, if the server
does crash, the user won't be given any privliged access.
Registration Date: Wed 25 Sep 2002 12:04:52 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
posted by ganneff, Mon 03 Nov 2003 03:46:22 PM UTC
Well, bugfix one is available.
The authmodules are fixed, now they compile on every architecture, not only on 32-bit ones.
posted by ganneff, Sun 02 Nov 2003 08:15:00 PM UTC
Now there is release 1.3.13 out. Fixes some bugs with PowerPC (and maybe other architectures). Added the authentication modules, you can now select them with --with-authMODULE. Some other things fixed/changed. Get it and have fun. :)
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