mainNetCDF tools - Summary

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Id: 10672
System Name: netcdf-tools
Name: NetCDF tools
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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The NetCDF tools are a few tools to operate on NetCDF and, by utilizing the compatibility API, HDF4 files, and intended to be used from the Shell scripts.

The NetCDF tools package is currently comprised of a couple of simplistic wrappers over the respective NetCDF functions (ncattget and ncattput), callable from Shell, and a more sophisticated ncget tool.

NetCDF files are in many ways similar to archive files (such as, e. g., .tar, .a or .zip), but instead of files (or, rather, octet strings), they are designed to contain multi-dimensional arrays (also called fields or variables) and the related metadata (in a form of global and per-array attributes.) Unfortunately, the NetCDF package offers little support for what one may consider usual archive operations, such as extracting a particular array (in whole or in part), or accessing the value of an attribute. This package is to fill this gap.

The initial revision of the ncget tool was developed back in 2006, and was in active use at the Altai State University ever since. However, it wasn't until early 2010 that the package was released for a wider audience.

Registration Date: Mon 25 Oct 2010 09:10:41 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta


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