mainnetsukuku - Summary

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Group identification
Id: 10756
System Name: netsukuku
Name: netsukuku
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

netsukuku is a mesh network system designed to handle massive numbers of nodes with minimal consumption of CPU and memory resources.
It can be used to build a world-wide distributed, fault-tolerant, anonymous, and censorship-immune network, fully independent from the Internet.
netsukuku does not rely upon any form of backbone router, internet service provider network, or any centralized system, although it may take advantage of existing systems of this nature to augment unity and connectivity of the existing netsukuku network.
netsukuku provides essential services on a peer-to-peer basis, such as hostname resolution.

This project is mainly focused on the porting of current implementation of the netsukuku daemon in the Vala programming language.

Registration Date: Thu 24 Mar 2011 05:40:40 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta


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New website work in progress
     posted by lukisi71, Sat 16 Jul 2011 10:38:27 AM UTC

The port is progressing quite steadily, although currently I am the only active developer.
A couple of guys expressed interest in trying to port a little piece of code to begin. We'll see if they become contributors.

In the mean time I asked for volunteers to build a new website that will announce the release of a stable netsukuku (when the [...]

Porting started
     posted by lukisi71, Mon 11 Apr 2011 04:51:17 PM UTC

An activity of porting the Netsukuku daemon to the Vala programming language just started.

The advantages of such a port, as we hope, will be:

  • high portability over many cpu architectures (and indeed ARM and MIPS boxes are very desirable targets for the netsukuku daemon)
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