mainNumdiff - Summary

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Group identification
Id: 8399
System Name: numdiff
Name: Numdiff
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Numdiff is a program with the capability to "appropriately" compare files containing numerical fields.
When you compare a couple of such files,
what you want to obtain usually is a list of the numerical fields in
the second file which numerically differ from the corresponding
fields in the first file.
Tools like `diff', `cmp' or `wdiff' can not be used to this purpose:
they can not recognize whether a difference between two numeric
fields is only due to the notation or is actually a difference of
numerical values.
Moreover, you could also want to ignore differences in
numerical values as long as they do not overcome a certain threshold.
In other words, you could desire to neglect all "small" numerical
differences too.
However, programs like `diff' and `wdiff' can not be used
to ignore "small" numerical differences, since they do not even know
what a numerical difference is.
That is why I decided to implement Numdiff.

Registration Date: Tue 07 Mar 2006 01:15:44 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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